Player Stats by Geoffrey Borg
Recently Chessbase started to run a series of articles on the individual Candidates and the direction of the articles prompted me to try and find out the overall percentages and interesting statistics of the various Candidates.
There are few comprehensive sources on the internet to compile the data in full, and take account of all the games ever played between these illustrious players. I decided to refer to which is regularly updated and probably the most detailed source for the results.
 Photo by Fred Lucas from London GP 2012
I would like to add the disclaimer that they clearly state "The figures above are based only on games present in our database which may be incomplete." So, if any reader finds a missing game, kindly head over to Chessgames and update the database as I am sure you would be doing a good deed for the whole chess world !
Coming back to the results one notes with interest the following :
Total Games between all players = 1,303 |
Most number of games (Ivanchuk - Kramnik, 95 games) |
Least number of games (Carlsen - Grischuk, 24 games) |
Most Games (Ivanchuk, 448 games) |
Least Games (Radjabov, 250 games) |
So who will win ? Well, statistics only assist by referring to the past and fail to take account of the player psyche on the day, form during the tournament, opening preparation success and a number of other factors. These players are all extremely strong and solid players and in reality anything is possible in London !
I will let the readers dissect the tables below but there are some very interesting player pairs !
 The full spreadsheet with the individual results, openings etc., can be downloaded here : Candidates_2013.xls